27 August 2013

Shameful silence on Quebec’s xenophobia | National Post

Shameful silence on Quebec’s xenophobia | National Post

Unfortunately, NDP leader Tom Mulcair, consistent with his overall pattern of running scared from anything that might offend the lowest common denominator of Quebec public opinion, has refused to denounce Ms. Marois’ initiative. He broke his silence on the issue on Monday — but only to claim that the whole matter is moot, since the new law would be contrary to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. That’s an extraordinarily silly thing to say given that Ms. Marois would be only too pleased to trash the Charter if things came to that. (Even Coalition Avenir Quebec leader Francois Legault, who effectively holds the balance of power in Quebec’s minority legislature, says that he would urge the use of the Constitution’s notwithstanding clause to protect the sections of the Charter of Quebec Values that he supports.)

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