25 May 2022

Hanes: Is no one ever accountable in Quebec?

 Not seeking another mandate is what passes for accountability in Quebec in the face of serious systemic failures.

Well before coroner Géhane Kamel tabled the results of her probe Monday into the deaths of 47 patients at the private Herron nursing home during the first wave of COVID-19, it became clear she would deliver a scathing indictment of the government’s pandemic response. She left no stone unturned — sparring with witnesses, recalling others to explain inconsistencies, subpoenaing documents — in trying to establish who knew what when in the upper echelons of power as frail elderly residents were left unfed, dehydrated, unwashed and in soiled diapers both before and after public officials became aware of the appalling conditions.

Hanes: Is no one ever accountable in Quebec? (msn.com)

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