Update: The FQS has repealed the ban, but the Charter of Quebec Values promised for Autumn 2013 will be much worse,
Premier Marois defends the ban
I predict the FSQ will stall in repealing the turban ban. They will hide behind the pretext that the IFAB has not made its final decision yet.
«Depuis le début du litige, la Fédération de soccer du Québec
demandait une position claire de la part de la FIFA sur le sujet; ce que
nous n’avions pas jusqu’à cette annonce. Le conseil d’administration de
la FSQ sera saisi dans les plus brefs délais de la position de la
FIFA», explique le texte.
In any case, 'safety' was a pretext to test Canadian resistance. The real principle is assimilation of minorities to the 'values' of anti-clericalism , collectivism and national-sovereignty.
The majority of the populace is against religious accommodation. It is not in the PQ's interest to capitulate.
“Quebec is
a welcoming society that wants to integrate all those who want to
participate in its values, participate in this reality we represent
collectively, which accepts differences but also wants to share common
values,” Marois said. - See more at:
“Quebec is
a welcoming society that wants to integrate all those who want to
participate in its values, participate in this reality we represent
collectively, which accepts differences but also wants to share common
values,” Marois said. - See more at:
“Quebec is
a welcoming society that wants to integrate all those who want to
participate in its values, participate in this reality we represent
collectively, which accepts differences but also wants to share common
values,” Marois said. - See more at:
“Quebec is
a welcoming society that wants to integrate all those who want to
participate in its values, participate in this reality we represent
collectively, which accepts differences but also wants to share common
values,” Marois said. - See more at:
“That is
not Quebec’s reality,” she continued. “There are many other countries in
the world where different rules apply and there is respect for one
another. - See more at:
The FSQ has political cover in at least 2 of the 3 major parties in provincial legislature. This will ensure the funding remains stable.
The FSQ 'agrees' with the CSA to remain suspended until final IFAB approval of turbans . This could take years.
«Les turbans n’ont jamais été refusés au Canada. Aucun règlement ne
porte à croire le contraire. Une décision sans appel sur la question
sera rendue en [Mars 2014] par la FIFA», déclare M. Sieber.
The money lost to FSQ by loss of CSA affiliation is made up by the Quebec State.
«La situation est en train de se régler», a confirmé Michel Dugas, coordonnateur des communications de la FSQ.
FSQ have stalled all along, and shown bad faith (e.g., refusing to even acknowledge the Sikh organizations' contacts).
FSQ will not apologize, nor acknowledge their wrongdoing. That would expose them to civil lawsuits.
Quebec is a welcoming society that wants to integrate all those who want to participate in its values, participate in this reality we represent collectively, which accepts differences but also wants to share common values,” Marois said. - See more at: http://www.hidebuzz.us/browse.php?u=Oi8vd3d3Lm1vbnRyZWFsZ2F6ZXR0ZS5jb20vbGlmZS9QcmVtaWVyK01hcm9pcytkZWZlbmRzLzg1Mjg2Nzkvc3RvcnkuaHRtbA%3D%3D&b=5#sthash.k5GWRyYD.dpuf
Quebec is a welcoming society that wants to integrate all those who want to participate in its values, participate in this reality we represent collectively, which accepts differences but also wants to share common values,” Marois said. - See more at: http://www.hidebuzz.us/browse.php?u=Oi8vd3d3Lm1vbnRyZWFsZ2F6ZXR0ZS5jb20vbGlmZS9QcmVtaWVyK01hcm9pcytkZWZlbmRzLzg1Mjg2Nzkvc3RvcnkuaHRtbA%3D%3D&b=5#sthash.k5GWRyYD.dpuf