05 December 2012

MondoWeiss: It's time for the media to talk about Zionism

It's time for the media to talk about Zionism

I consider myself a liberal anti-Zionist, or a non-Zionist (because the label is less confrontational to the Zionists I am trying to wean from their mistaken belief). I like liberal traditions of personal freedom in the United States, including the tradition of tolerance of religious and ideological claims I find preposterous. These liberal principles have guaranteed my freedom as a minority in the U.S. and granted me a darn good life, including jobs in the First Amendment business and marriage to someone who is not Jewish—a marriage that could not take place in Israel where there is no civil marriage.

Former student leader sentenced to community service - Montreal - CBC News

Former student leader sentenced to community service - Montreal - CBC News

[The judge] also made direct reference to a speech [Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois] gave to hundreds of students last April. At the time, the student leader said "no one should be swayed by the injunctions of idiots whose parents were rich enough to pay for lawyers."

02 December 2012

No Dogs or Anglophones: Quebec Propagandists Get a Dose of Reality

No Dogs or Anglophones: Quebec Propagandists Get a Dose of Reality

for every dollar Quebec sends to Ottawa it receives back $1.45
Readers are always asking, "What can I do to counter sovereigntist propaganda?"
Spread the word.   
Whenever discussing Quebec, remind others about this disparity.

Things go viral quickly and a message such as this, is powerful and simple, something easily remembered. 

Again, For every dollar Quebec sends to Ottawa, it receives back  $1.45  

Spread the word!