20 September 2011
05 September 2011
02 September 2011
Quebec coalition takes aim at English in Montreal businesses - The Globe and Mail
Mr. Legault, who earlier this year launched the right-leaning group, said the province’s language police must enforce the law and also urged francophone Quebeckers to demand that they be served in French. “Each Quebecker has a responsibility to ensure that the language of commerce is French,” the former Parti Québécois cabinet minister said. “People need to abide by the law so that Quebeckers can be served in French, especially in Montreal.”
The proposal didn’t go over well with some Montreal merchants. Peter Siozos, head of Montreal’s Crescent Street Merchant Association, said businesses serve their customers in the language of their choice. “Cracking down by using language inspectors is showboating and outdated,” Mr. Siozos said.