25 June 2011
Fearless prediction about Canada Day
24 June 2011
Sold! Quebec musicians 'convictions'
Nostalgie de la rue
Language piece
In Canada being bilingual means you can speak two languages. In Switzerland it means you can't speak three.Language ability being scarce on the ground in Canada, trilingualism is a poor basis on which to build public policy.
A French fact
Quebec has a lot to celebrate. It is not well known that French did not become the homogenous language of France until the 20th century. Regional languages dominated in Brittany, Alsace, Corsica, Nice and much of the South of France. However from 1608, French was the language of the settlers of New France. In other words French was the language of what is now Quebec, before it was dominant in France.
Second(ary) language learning
Pronounce the beloved country
The name "Quebec", which comes from the Algonquin word kébec meaning "where the river narrows", originally referred to the area around Quebec City where the Saint Lawrence River narrows to a cliff-lined gap.
"IPA" transliterations: Kaybek, Kaibek, Keybek, Keibek
An anglo atop the Caisse
"How long do you have to live here to be a Quebecer?" wondered the Caisse's new chairman of the board, Robert Tessier, when asked at the press conference about Sabia's background. "He has a passion for Quebec and Montreal, he learned French, can speak and work in that language. We should be happy our society has the maturity to attract and keep people (like him) here." Sabia, who stepped down as head of BCE last summer after six years at the helm, said he had other offers but wanted to stay in Quebec.
"After being here 16 years, and continuing to choose Quebec, to me that's a demonstration of my loyalty and my interest in working in this environment," he said, adding that his selection "is evidence of the fact the Quebec community is open and confident." Tessier said the headhunting firm mandated to prepare a list of candidates had narrowed the search to four names. Two on the list said they weren't interested. Of the two that were, Sabia was the standout, "a "surprising" and "exceptional" candidate who'd guided major corporations through difficult transitions and will give the Caisse the momentum it needs.
"He has all the qualities of a strong leader," Tessier said. "We have to stop the slide and restore upward movement." The Caisse's selection committee endorsed him unanimously and the Quebec government made it official.
23 June 2011
Bill 150 file
Remember that this was the election that followed the Liberals
introducing and passing into law Bill 150 which, to me, was 1,000 times worse than Bill 178. Bill 150 called for a referendum on separation of Quebec which, if passed by a vote of 50% plus one vote, would be followed by a unilateral declaration of separation .. .not a mandate to negotiate some soft question like sovereignty- association or the harder-but-still- soft question of '95 that Parizeau had the province vote on. THIS WAS MUCH, MUCH FURTHER THAN ANYTHING THE PQ HAD EVER SAID OR DONE.
Well, Claude Ryan along with every other Liberal voted for it (except Russell Williams, the lone holdout). To me, that makes him and every other Liberal a separatist.
Yet in the election immediately following the mandate in which Bill 150 was passed, the anglos returned to voting for the Liberals in massive numbers.
Neil Cameron on Claude Ryan
he played the hard man in the provincial Liberal Cabinet meeting responding to the Supreme Court decision of December 15, 1988.
He held the actual Cabinet post as chief language cop.
But by the same token, he greatly annoyed the PQ thereafter by LIMITING arguable applications of Bill 101 over the following four years, and readily supported the admittedly inadequate restoration on signs.
As for anglo rights, he saw himself, and was certainly seen by both Pequistes and by the quite extreme nationalists found in the Liberal party itself, as a man with one foot in one camp and one in the other.
He could better be described as indifferent or blind to the full implications of language-discrimina tion nationalism, which he undoubtedly believed in as an alternative to real Quebec separation. He wa
he put through the law that somewhat reduced the full extremity of Bill 178 - which, as you correctly note, he himself had supported at the end of 1988 - he commented to me that 'it was now posssible to restore some balance'.
In the late '80s, early '90s he appeared on one of those Montreal anglo radio talk shows like Joe Cannon and he said something to the effect: well, the anglos abandoned me when I was the leader of the Liberals so why should I look after their interests?
21 June 2011
English is the International (Relations) Language
At the Universite de Montreal - often caricatured as a separatist hotbed - the school's Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Internationales announced it will be offering a groundbreaking eight courses in English as part of its summer program.
St-Jean? Try Saint Joseph of Nazareth
20 June 2011
"The friends of Pauline"
"PQ leader donates to Jeunes Patriotes du Québec, the sovereignist goon squad"
The source of the threats remains unclear. But any such threats should have been taken seriously, considering the organizations that put pressure on the concert's producer, the C4 agency, to cancel the performances.
These organizations are the Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montréal and the Association culturelle Louis-Hébert de Rosemont/St-Michel, an offshoot of the SSJB-M and a sponsor of the concert.
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Young men prepare to march in the May 18, 2008 parade organized by the Jeunes Patriotes du Québec.
Both have close ties to the Montreal-based Jeunes Patriotes du Québec, the radical "street sovereignists" known for creating politically motivated disturbances, usually at federalist gatherings but once even at a meeting of the Parti Québécois ...
'Municipal parties are breeding grounds for sleaze"
The megacity gave political parties more power and fuelled need for money
To understand the rise in sleaze in Montreal politics, you have to understand the simultaneous rise in the role of political parties. The two are intimately related, and you can thank Louise Harel's megacity for that.
It is no coincidence that the importance of parties has boomed since the merger of Montreal Island.
In 2000, Harel, then the Parti Québécois's municipal affairs minister, commissioned PQ wiseman Louis Bernard to study the future merger. His report not only predicted the spread of parties into parts of the island that had never had them but hailed this as a good thing: "The presence of political-party structures across Montreal Island," he wrote, "is an essential element (of the merger) that will invigorate the functioning and evolution of the new structures." Harel approved. Her merger plan became law two months later.
Organized Cops
Hell's Angels Organization Decapitated. Montreal police are keeping up their torrid pace of arrests targeting organized crime. They busted a ring of drug dealers operating downtown Montreal and arrested 40. On Wednesday, police on the south shore arrested 11 more Hell's Angels member for various drug related crimes. On Thursday they confiscated $10 million worth of booty bought with drug money. Operation 'SharQc' has put 128 members of the biker gang behind bars.
19 June 2011
Fine company
... Il mentionne entre autres que Jörg Haider a interdit l'affiche bilingue en slovène et en allemand dans sa province. Une mesure que le Parti indépendantiste appliquerait dans le contexte québécois en interdisant l'affichage en français et en anglais permis par la Loi 101 ...... Quant à Jean-Marie Le Pen, président du Front national en France, Jean-Roch Villemaire dit s'en être inspiré pour proposer un moratoire sur l'immigration au Québec, le printemps dernier. Depuis, M. Villemaire s'est rallié à la proposition de son parti qui consiste à réduire à 20 000 (donc de la moitié) le nombre de nouveaux arrivants, dans le but de protéger les emplois détenus par les Québécois ...
Pour le moment, déplore-t-il, les seuls vrais Québécois sont les « Québécois de souche ». « Et un vrai Québécois de souche, c'est quelqu'un dont les ancêtres sont arrivés ici avec les Français », précise Jean-Roch Villemaire.
À ses yeux, les immigrants actuels deviennent des citoyens canadiens avant d'être des citoyens québécois. « Ce n'est pas de leur faute, je ferais la même chose à leur place. Quand ils arrivent ici, les immigrants reçoivent un petit drapeau du Canada et doivent chanter l'hymne national. »
Le Parti indépendantiste promet de faire la souveraineté immédiatement après l'élection d'un gouvernement. Une fois au pouvoir, il s'assurerait que les immigrants signent un contrat d'entrée, dit M. Villemaire. Ils devraient notamment s'engager à respecter certaines valeurs comme la laïcité, l'égalité homme-femme et la langue française. En cas de bris de contrat, l'immigrant serait expulsé ...
White niggers of Beaulieu`s imagination
...[Victor-Levy Beaulieu] compares the fact that Obama didn't mention Abraham Lincoln in his acceptance speech on election night to Marois not mentioning René Lévesque in her first speech of the current provincial election campaign.
Lincoln's role in abolishing slavery in the U.S. was similar to Léveque's 1976 election win, described by Beaulieu as a triumph of "the white niggers of America," a reference to a book by Pierre Vallières, the ideological guru of the terrorist Front de Libération du Québec.
In May, Beaulieu, an author, journalist and playwright, caused a stir when he derided Governor-General Michaëlle Jean as a "negro queen" in his L'Aut'Journal column ...
Except that, objectively speaking, the non-francos, are the current niggers of Quebec, white or otherwise.
Political violence in Quebec
18 June 2011
What would St-Jean do?
Funny story, at the end of the parade a group of Aboriginals from USA came to speak to the St-Jean paraders(the theme was aboriginal), funny thing was they didn’t speak French so they spoke in English and got booed off the stage, this did not make the news, I have this on tape....Here were the guests of honor getting booed cause they did not talk French.
Why should Canada separate from Quebec
How much of its trade is "foreign" (i.e., out or province)?
How many bilinguals have they?
17 June 2011
The Gerald Tremblay Record
- runs a sleazy administration; 6 criminal probes in as many months
- has seen services (sidewalk de-icing) run down
- tried to change the name of Park Avenue to Robert Bourassa without consultation
- runs most things from City Hall in camera
- rigged the Agglom Council in his favor by handpicking the members
Franco sovereignists
There is now egg on their faces but don't think for a moment that they have learned a lesson. This is but one simple victory for common sense in a long-standing kerfuffle rife with insanity.
franco artistes
The outpouring of shame, followed by outrage, ridicule and then acceptance of the anglos was heart-warming. The language zealots looked downright silly and some backtracked as fast as they could when they realised that other proud nationalist artists publicly disagreed with their myopic stance.
"A hootenanny in any language"
Quebec culture minister Christine St. Pierre said this demonstrates that “there are people that are very intolerant and would prefer that we live in some sort of bubble.”
Franco press
More often than not, slights against anglos go woefully unnoticed in Quebec's French media. A front-page humiliation in the English press, if we are allowed to use that term, might make a page-seven brief in La Presse. Or page 21 in Le Journal de Montréal — if at all.