19 January 2025

2022: Allison Hanes: Ottawa finally decides to stand up to François Legault

And a good ol’ fashioned war of words broke out between Quebec and Ottawa on Wednesday. Federal Justice Minister David Lametti indicated he will join the challenge of Bill 21 , Quebec’s secularism law, after all, once it reaches the Supreme Court of Canada. And hey, he’ll be keeping an eye on how the newly minted language law is implemented, too.

2015: Supreme Court sides with Quebec Catholic school on religious freedom


The decision Thursday handed a victory to Loyola High School, which went to court over a Quebec program that sought to teach ethics and world religions from a neutral standpoint. At the same time, the top court helped define some of the boundaries of Quebec’s goal of state secularism ...
 "A secular state respects religious differences; it does not seek to extinguish them," the court said ...
Constitutional lawyer Julius Grey says Thursday’s ruling strikes a blow against “strident secularism” in Quebec.

27 October 2024

Quebec’s government wants a ‘neutral’ state – but it gets to define neutrality

 In one way, it sounds great. Who doesn’t want a neutral state? But in reality, “neutrality” is defined by the Quebec government in deeply racist and xenophobic ways. For instance, while the bill demands the “neutrality” of Quebec’s public servants by making those who wear hijabs, turbans and kippahs – a largely racialized population – choose between their faith and their careers, it still allows for workplaces such as hospitals and government buildings to display crosses.

Opinion: Quebec’s government wants a ‘neutral’ state – but it gets to define neutrality - The Globe and Mail

New study shows how bilingualism can make the brain be more efficient


“When the brain is wiring itself through infancy or early child development, it develops a system for language. So if you have two inputs from different languages, it might build an architecture that is more optimal for learning these languages,” said Xiaoqian Chai, Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at McGill University.


11 September 2024

Québec solidaire présente sa charte de la laïcité | La charte des valeurs, entre division et inclusion | Radio-Canada.ca

Québec solidaire présente sa charte de la laïcité | La charte des valeurs, entre division et inclusion | Radio-Canada.ca

« Il faudra donc déplacer le crucifix, qui est actuellement au-dessus de la tête du président, à un autre endroit dans l'Assemblée. Nous proposons d'ailleurs de le remplacer par un symbole qui unit notre nation : la fleur de lys. » 

« Soyons clairs, pour Québec solidaire, le voile n'est pas un symbole anodin. Il est à l'image de tous les symboles et de toutes les règles qui dans la plupart des religions infériorisent les femmes. Cela dit, on doit aussi considérer un autre droit collectif, qui est le droit au travail », dit Mme David, ajoutant se soucier particulièrement de ce droit pour les femmes des minorités, qui peinent déjà à accéder au marché de l'emploi.

Françoise David dit que son parti a mis de « l'eau dans son vin » avant de présenter son alternative à la Charte des valeurs du gouvernement. Elle explique avoir mis de côté des principes adoptés en congrès par le parti, comme l'abolition du financement des écoles religieuses, ou encore l'abolition des exemptions fiscales accordées par l'État aux églises ...

Racial profiling a 'systemic problem' in Montreal police, judge rules in class action


25 June 2024

Québec Solidaire proposes 'unifying' secular charter

It's time to move forward, says MNA Françoise David

Québec Solidaire proposes 'unifying' secular charter | CBC News

Québec Solidaire has introduced a bill it says will help Quebec move forward with the ongoing debate surrounding secularism in the province. 

Party spokeswoman Françoise David introduced bill 398 — a Charter of Secularism for the Quebec government, on Wednesday at the national assembly ...

EMSB scores highest graduation rate in Quebec


That puts the EMSB above the provincial rate of 84.2 per cent, and above private schools at 93.5 per cent.
